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Landscape Impact of Wind Farms

Posted on 15/02/2018 by James Lithgow

Much is made of the landscape impact of wind farms. The Allt Dearg and Srondoire Community Wind Farms fund a rolling program of environmental and landscape improvement works as a condition on their planning consents. These works help mitigate the more distant impact of the turbines in the landscape.

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Community Wind Farms Deliver For Rural Argyll

Posted on 12/02/2018 by James Lithgow

Argyll & Bute Council have published details of the Community Benefit payments made by Argyll's Wind Farms in 2017. For the fifth consecutive year Allt Dearg wind farm has set the highest standard for community benefit paid out in Argyll, both in terms of absolute amount and Pounds per MW installed. Whilst Allt Dearg and Sròndoire together now represent less than 5% of the county's installed generation capacity, the community and locally owned wind farms contributed over 38% of the total direct benefit paid out in Argyll.

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Allt Dearg Smashes Production Record in 2017

Posted on 12/02/2018 by James Lithgow

The Community owned wind farm beat its 2015 record last year, exporting over 44.5 GWh, thanks to near perfect wind conditions and excellent reliability of the generation plant and electrical network. The locally owned project has been amongst the top performing wind farms in the UK since production started in 2013. The UK average “Capacity Factor” for onshore wind was just over 27% in 2017, Allt Dearg managed 52% Capacity, making it the best performing large wind farm on the UK mainland ( the Orkney Islands enjoy higher wind speeds) . Allt Dearg’s average Capacity over the last five years has been 49%, significantly better than the national average capacity factors for both off-shore wind and hydroelectricity.

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Wind Powered Education Continues to Benefit Local Communities

Posted on 12/02/2018 by James Lithgow

Sixty students from Argyll will be supported in the 2017 – 18 academic year, up from the thirty-nine young people funded in 2016-17, through £63k of support grants from the Educational Trust established by the landowning partners in the Allt Dearg and Sròndoire Community Wind Farms .

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