The Allt Dearg Educational Trust has started to support 17 young people through the 2013/14 academic year, to the tune of over £37,500. The successful applicants, all from Mid Argyll and Cowal, will be receiving their cheques within the next couple of weeks.
The Trust gives priority to applicants from areas neighbouring the Allt Dearg Community Wind Farm, defined as the Community Council areas of Tarbert & Skipness, Lochgilphead, South Knapdale, Kilfinan and Ardrishaig. All of the successful young people are from family homes are these areas.
Trustee Mary Broadfoot said, "The standard of applications was very high. The young people are studying a wide range of subjects, including engineering, veterinary medicine, accountancy, musical theatre, agriculture and sports studies. We are delighted that the Trust is able to help them at this important time in their lives."
The Educational Trust delivers the community benefit contribution to the wider community in Mid Argyll and Cowal. The purpose of this financial support is to ensure that Argyllshire students, who might otherwise be dissuaded by the costs of living away from home, are able to further their education. A better educated local population is a key factor in promoting economic development in remote rural areas.
Allt Dearg Community Wind Farm will donate £30,000 to the Trust every year. If Srondoire Community Wind Farm's planning application is successful, a further £18,000 will be added each year. The first payment is larger than projected, to reflect the earlier operational date of the wind farm.